
The countdown begins, the school year is almost over. Thinking about how you will finish out the year? Check this out, The Teach Channel offers 10 tips to end the year with purpose and positivity. May and June is an exciting time, it's important to not get too overwhelmed with all of the activities going on. Take the time to enjoy the end of the year, take care of yourself and finish strong! I look forward to hearing all about the end of the year and how it goes for you all. If you have any questions about finishing the year please email, call or come see me.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with all of you, as you are all so dedicated in the work that you do each day to educate and inspire the children of the Bridgehampton School. Together we have read many articles, we discussed topics that matter to you, we built a learning community, we shared ideas, thoughts and I had the opportunity to see some of your amazing teaching! We even played some games, laughed and watched movies and TED talks on education. It is my hope that through this learning process and mentorship that you were able to reflect on your teaching practice and improve your craft.

I will leave you with this quote "A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning." -Brad Henry

10 Tips to End the Year Strong

-All my best


Bowl Icebreaker Game.docx