Is Bridge Academy accredited?

There is no federally accrediting body in the United States for K-12 schools. Any private school that has accreditation seeks this from local or regional bodies as a means to raise their standards. Bridge Academy offers parents enrollment in our private school, curriculum that meets all state standards in the US and in most foreign countries, and transcripts at the end of each year to document your child’s learning career. That being said, we know how important that accredited seal of approval can be for many parents, especially at the high school level where college is on the horizon. Bridge Academy is currently in the arduous process of securing accreditation from several bodies, and hopes to have this finished by the start of the 2023-2024 school year.

Do you provide resources and supplies?

Yes! This is what sets Bridge Academy apart from other umbrella schools you’ll find. While we fully embrace and support unschooling, and do not require testing or assessments as proof of learning, we also recognize that by providing a curriculum that meets all state standards, those families who live in states where they must still register as homeschoolers have a curriculum that they can list on their forms, and parents who need the resources for supporting their learners actually have them! Unlike any other virtual umbrella school out there, Bridge Academy offers our own, designed-in-house licensed curriculum - Your Natural Learner Curriculum - designed to support your learner on their unique, child-led journey. This curriculum is provided to you as a part of your enrollment. It is not required that you use it, but it is a wonderful resource to have! Bridge Academy does not provide materials needed to implement the curriculum.

Are there supports for children with IEPs or special learning needs?

We believe that all children are capable learners, and that they bloom and learn on their own natural timeline. In almost every case of a child with special learning needs, having them learn in the safe surroundings of their home is the best and most supportive experience that they could have. Most IEPs are designed to help a child conform to the learning/behavioral requirements of the system... once a child is at home and allowed to learn on their own timeline, we find that those support systems are rarely needed anymore. Through the flexible curriculum, supportive community, and parent resources that Bridge Academy provides, we believe that you will be fully supported to help your child learn regardless of what learning needs may arise. We also recognize that there may be situations in which parents do not feel that they have what is needed to adequately support their child’s special learning needs. In this case, we offer consults to discuss your needs with an expert who can either directly support you or point you in the direction of resources to help. If your child's IEP is current, Bridge Academy will need a copy of this to keep on file. Please note that if your child is receiving support services through the public school as either a public school student or homeschooler, those resources may no longer be available to you once you are a private school student with Bridge Academy.

How are Bridge Academy transcripts created?

By providing the Your Natural Learner Curriculum as a part of your enrollment, we have a Scope and Sequence framework with which to design your child’s transcript each year. This helps to ensure that your child is meeting any state standard that they may be held to, as well as provide a foundation should your child have the need to transfer to another school in the future. At points throughout the year and at the end of each school year, we will connect with you to share your learning experiences, check in on your child’s personal goals, and work with you to create a customized transcript for your child.

What do these meetings look like? What do I have to have prepared?

Don’t panic! This is nothing like the portfolios and documented book lists that you may have had to keep as proof in the past! These meetings are super informal, and can be conducted in various ways, respecting your family’s schedule and time. At these touch points throughout the year, we will reach out to you asking you to share your favorite experiences of the year. We encourage you to share more than academics here - what did your child LOVE? What were they interested in? How did they choose to spend their time? Your child is welcome to complete this for themselves or you can do it together or for them. Through these discussions, we will create a customized transcript for your child’s learning journey that year, taking care of the documentation needs for you. Bridge Academy does not believe in providing numeric or letter grades at the elementary and middle grade years, as these do not transfer through schools anyway, so all transcripts will reflect a Pass/Fail ranking system. For high schoolers, we will work with you to design a weighted grading scale that aligns with your child's achievements and needs.

Can my child still particpate in sports or other events with our local public school as a student of Bridge Academy?

This is unique to every state, and often is left up to the discretion of the local public school themselves. If your child is interested in pursuing classes, sports, or interscholastic activities with the local public school, we recommend you begin by reaching out to the administration at that school and ask what might be required of your child to participate. If anything official is needed from Bridge Academy, just let us know and we’ll be happy to provide it.

Do you offer refunds? 

Please review our policies for more info on refunds. 

Still have a question?

No problem! You can email us at to schedule a free 15-minute consult call with a member of our staff. We can help answer any questions you have about enrollment and determine if Bridge is right for your family.