Middle Grades Curriculum

Following the elementary years, as your child emerges into grades 5-8, they step into a time in their lives when they are most ready for a collaborative learning experience. 

These scaffolded years (as we like to call them) offer you the unique opportunity to still maintain some control over your child’s learning experience while also letting go and allowing self-directed learning to take over whenever possible.

In short, our goal in the middle grades is to teach your child HOW to learn, not just focus on WHAT to learn.

This is achieved through the use of the Your Natural Learner Middle Grades Curriculum - a comprehensive curriculum designed to take your middle schooler on a “choose your own adventure” of learning in every area. Through 12 themes (your child’s choice of three each year), your child will learn how to ask questions, research answers, ask for help, seek out mentors and experts, problem solve, try new things, exist in the discomfort of not knowing, share their knowledge with others, practice media literacy, and step slowly but confidently into a world of being in charge of their own learning (our ultimate goal for our Bridge Academy graduates!).