Integrated Preschool

Welcome to the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District's Integrated Preschool Program. Our preschool program serves the children of Bridgewater and Raynham ages three to five years old. The integrated preschool program is composed of children with special needs as well as offers opportunities to typically developing students. Enrollment opportunities are available after participation in our district's screening process.
Our preschool program provides a wide variety of programming to address the individual needs of students as well as an array of specialized services. Our teachers, specialist, and support staff are highly trained to offer our preschool students an enriching learning experience that incorporates a child's academic, physical, and social-emotional development. If you have any questions regarding the preschool program, please contact Dina Medeiros at (508) 964-7500 or by email:
Dina Medeiros

Main Office Staff:

Mrs. Dina Medeiros, Administrator of Special Education

George H. Mitchell Elementary School

500 South Street

Bridgewater, MA 02324

(508) 964-7500