College and career Readiness

Career Interview Project

The goal of school is to prepare students to be college and career ready.

It is never too early to star the conversation with students about their future dreams. Beginning the first week of school, students will begin researching careers. Students will learn about Holland's six categories of careers; Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Research will allow students to investigate related careers, career outcomes, salary, and skills needed. Under these categories, students will sort careers based on their interests before diving deep into their chosen career.

Once choosing a career, students will prepare themselves for a job interview. This project will help students understand the steps needed to take to reach their goal. Community members from their chosen professions will participate in the project and teach the students more about their careers..

Please have conversations with your student about their career interest, and what steps they may need to take to get there.