Mrs. Gutiérrez

Hola! Welcome to 2023-24 school year!

My contact information: 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (preferred form of contact)

Room number: 234

This is a general place to come for information about my Spanish classes.  However, more detailed information that is specific to each period will be found on the appropriate Google Classroom site. Please refer to the Google Classroom site for ALL current information. Check below to access the Google Classrooms codes.

Google Classroom Codes for 2023-24

Period 2-Spanish 1 : 3ehddnf

Period 3- Spanish 1: am2s7oa

Period 4-Spanish 1: ph4lb72

Period 5-Spanish 3: 7musak7

Period 6-Spanish 2: ydtmvkb

Knight Skills :74saoh5