
This is a bulletin board of recent announcements and updates affecting the field.  Click on them and scroll down to learn more about updates placed here.  

Learn about the different kinds of events that Alliances can offer, as well as best practices for running events. 

Find the schedule of Monday-night field meetings, as well as recordings of past meetings. 

Download sample presentations, explore games & interactives, and help with outreach via the Ambassadors program.

Check out these stories of Braver Angels members making a difference in their communities.  Feel free to share the links provided here with your own networks to show how Braver Angels' work is making an impact.

Tools for Google Workspace, websites, email, and Zoom.

Raise and spend money, and check the balance of your Field Unit's funds.

Check out Braver Angels policies which affect the field at this link.

Check out field-related dashboards at this link.

Answers to common questions.