Kindergarten Curriculum

We look forward to a year of open communication with you.  Through our combined teaching experience we have discovered that parents are not only the most important people to their children, but also to their children’s teachers! We welcome volunteers, new ideas, questions, etc.  A newsletter will be sent home every week telling you what we have been working on.  Please look for this important communication in your child’s backpack!  It is a great way to start a conversation with your child about what he/she is learning in school.

This is going to be a great year for your Junior Kindergartener and we are excited to begin teaching a new bunch of budding minds.

Below, you can click on the math and language arts skills sheet. These are the main goals  students should have mastered by the end of Kindergarten. While they will learn so much more, this is a good guide for you to use as you help your child at home.