Course Feedback

Course Feedback for Study Group Leaders

Course feedback is provided to SGLs to give them insight into what is going well in their courses, as well as potential areas for change. Twice per term, feedback is solicited from class participants via forms emailed directly to them by BOLLI staff. Mid-term forms are sent at the end of the second class for 5-week classes, and at the end of the third class for 10-week classes. Final feedback forms are sent after the last class. SGLs can expect to receive the feedback results within a week after the forms are distributed. These results are also provided to each SGL's liaison on the SGSC, and made available both to the chair of the Curriculum Committee and the Executive Director to keep a pulse on how courses are going.

SGLs are asked to encourage their class members to participate during the class after which the feedback forms will be sent. Experience shows that when the SGLs both remind participants and express their appreciation for the feedback, there is generally greater and more valuable participation in the feedback process. 

SGSC liaisons are always available to discuss feedback results with their SGLs, to look together at comments and identify any possible adjustments that constructive feedback may have identified.

In addition, SGSC liaisons visit each class to provide their observations to the SGLs. Visits are generally during the second week of 5-week classes and the third week of 10-week classes. After the visit, the liaison will provide feedback to the SGLs and as well as an opportunity to discuss the class. These open, constructive dialogs are intended to help the SGL reflect on and process how the class is going and ask for help with any issues. For example, in the past, these discussions have helped SGLs deal with disruptive class members, identify ways to facilitate productive class discussions, and adjust assignments that participants may be finding difficult. 

Note that both the feedback forms and class visits are not intended as evaluations or ratings, but rather as a way to share helpful, constructive, and practical information with the SGLs. Note also that SGLs may reach out to their liaisons at any time for assistance with their courses and need not wait for the feedback process to identify any concerns.

Feedback Form Questions

Three questions based on a 4-point scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree:

Two open questions for asking for comments:

Finally, participants are given the option to provide their names.