

Mahmood A, Steindler J, Germaine H, Miller P, Katz DB. "Coupled Dynamics of Stimulus-Evoked Gustatory Cortical and Basolateral Amygdalar Activity." J Neurosci.18 (2023) 386-404. 

Symanski CA, Bladon JH, Kullberg ET, Miller P, Jadhav SP. "Rhythmic coordination and ensemble dynamics in the hippocampal-prefrontal network during odor-place associative memory and decision making." eLife 11 (2022): e79545.

Miller P. "A series of unforced events." Neuron 110 (2022): 8-9.

Ksander J, Katz DB, Miller P. "A model of naturalistic decision making in preference tests." PLoS Comput Biol 17 (2021): e1009012

Chen, Bolun and Miller, Paul. "Attractor-state itinerancy in neural circuits with synaptic depression." Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 10. (2020): 15.

Acker D, Paradis S, and Miller P. "Stable memory and computation in randomly rewiring neural networks." Journal of Neurophysiology 122. (2019): 66-80.

Ballintyn B, Shlaer B, Miller P. "Spatiotemporal discrimination in attractor networks with short-term synaptic plasticity." J Comput Neurosci 46. (2019): 279-297.

Miller, P and Cannon, J. "Combined mechanisms of neural firing rate homeostasis." Biological Cybernetics 113. (2019): 47-59.

Miller, Paul. An Introductory Course in Computational Neuroscience. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018.

Roy A, Christie IK, Escobar GM, Osik JJ, Popović M, Ritter NJ, Stacy AK, Wang S, Fiser J, Miller P, Van Hooser SD. "Does experience provide a permissive or instructive influence on the development of direction selectivity in visual cortex?." Neural Dev 13. (2018): 16.

Cannon, Jonathan and Miller, Paul. "Stable control of firing rate mean and variance by dual homeostatic mechanisms." Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 7. (2017): 1.

Christie IK, Miller P, Van Hooser SD. "Cortical amplification models of experience-dependent development of selective columns and response sparsification.." Journal of Neurophysiology 118. 2 (2017): 874-893.

Miller, Paul. "The role of structural plasticity in producing nonrandom neural connectivity." The Rewiring Brain: A Computational Approach to Structural Plasticity in the Adult Brain. 1st ed. Ed. Arjen van Ooyen and Markus Butz. San Diego, CA: Elsevier / Academic Press, 2017

Cannon, Jonathan and Miller, Paul. "Synaptic and intrinsic homeostasis cooperate to optimize single neuron response properties and tune integrator circuits." Journal of Neurophysiology 116. 5 (2016): 2004-2022.

Miller, Paul. "Dynamical systems, attractors, and neural circuits." F1000Res. Faculty Rev-992. (2016).

Miller, Paul. "Itinerancy between attractor states in neural systems." Current Opinion in Neurobiology 40. (2016): 14.

Sadacca BF, Mukherjee N, Vladusich T, Li JX, Katz DB, Miller P. "The behavioral relevance of cortical neural ensemble responses emerges suddenly." Journal of Neuroscience 36. 3 (2016): 655.

Sountsov P, Miller P. "Spiking neuron network Helmholtz machine." Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9. (2015): 46.

Cousins KAQ, Dar JH, Wingfield A, Miller P. "Acoustic masking disrupts time-dependent mechanisms of memory encoding in word-list recall." Memory and Cognition 42. (2014): 622-638.

Miller, Paul. "Decision Making, Models." Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Ed. Jaeger D., Jung R.. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2014

Miller, Paul. "Decision Making, Thresholds." Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Ed. Jaeger D., Jung R.. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2014

Van Hooser SD, Escobar GM, Maffei A, Miller P. "Emerging feed-forward inhibition allows the robust formation of direction selectivity in the developing ferret visual cortex." J Neurophysiol 111. 11 (2014): 2355.

Van Hooser SD, Escobar GM, Maffei A, Miller P. "Emerging feed-forward inhibition allows the robust formation of direction selectivity in the developing ferret visual cortex." Journal of Neurophysiology 111. (2014): 2355-2373.

Miller, Paul and Katz, Donald B. "Accuracy and response-time distributions for decision-making: linear perfect integrators versus nonlinear attractor-based neural circuits." Journal of Computational Neuroscience 35. (2013): 261.

Miller, Paul. "Stabilization of memory states by stochastic facilitating synapses." journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 3. (2013): 19.

Miller, Paul. "Stimulus number, duration and intensity encoding in randomly connected attractor networks with synaptic depression." Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7. (2013): 59.

Vogels TP, Froemke RC, Doyon N, Gilson M, Haas JS, Liu R, Maffei A, Miller P, Wierenga CJ, Woodin MA, Zenke F, Sprekeler H.. "Inhibitory synaptic plasticity: spike timing-dependence and putative network function.." Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7. (2013): 119.

Bourjaily, Mark and Miller, Paul. "Dynamic afferent synapses to decision-making networks improve performance in tasks requiring stimulus associations or discriminations." Journal of Neurophysiology 108. 2 (2012): 513-527.

Bourjaily, Mark A and Miller, Paul. "Excitatory, inhibitory and structural plasticity produce correlated connectivity in random networks trained to solve paired-stimulus tasks." Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5. (2011): 37.

Bourjaily, Mark A and Miller, Paul. "Synaptic plasticity and network connectivity requirements to produce stimulus-pair specific responses in recurrent networks of spiking neurons." Public Library of Science: Computational Biology 7. 2 (2011): e1001091.

Miller, Paul and Katz, Donald B. "Stochastic Transitions between States of Neural Activity." The Dynamic Brain: An Exploration of Neuronal Variability and Its Functional Significance. 1st ed. vol. N/A Ed. Ding, Mingzhou and Glanzman, Dennis L.. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011. 29-46.

Miller, Paul and Wingfield, Art. "Distinct effects of perceptual quality on auditory word recognition, memory formation and recall in a neural model of sequential memory." Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 4. (2011): 14.

Piqado, Tepring, Cousins, Katie C., Wingfield, Art and Miller, Paul. "Effects of degraded sensory input on memory for speech: Behavioral data and a test of biologically constrained computational models." Brain Research 1365. (2011): 48-65.

Jun JK, Miller P, Hernández A, Zainos A, Lemus L, Brody CD, Romo R. "Heterogenous population coding of a short-term memory and decision task.." Journal of Neuroscience 30. 3 (2010): 916-929.

Miller P, Katz DB.. "Stochastic transitions between neural states in taste processing and decision-making.." Journal of Neuroscience 30. 7 (2010): 2559-2570.