"Cassandra Drowning"

by Nathan Joe

Change requires action and if people feel they don’t have the power to take it, then the current paradigm does not shift. 

We want to create spaces where people can rehearse new thoughts, behaviours and relationships, and for that to be exciting. 

Rachel Briscoe, quoted in Lucy Neal, Playing for Time: Making Art as if the World Mattered (London: Oberon Books, 2015), 294-5.

We’ve all had that nightmare. The one where you’re screaming, trying to get people’s attention but nobody hears you. You’re hopelessly alone, and your desperation goes completely unrecognized by the world around you. 

That’s exactly the sort of feeling the play Cassandra Drowning by Nathan Joe elicits, and what we hoped to capture in our re-enactment of his work. The play tells the story of a woman named Cassandra who has visions of major climate crises: floods, fires, death. She is stuck in a world where nobody will listen or take her seriously, and she must leave the life she knows behind in order to make change. 

In our world where there really are floods, fires, plagues, and a myriad of other crises brought on by climate change, we want to reach out to those who see the issues at hand and yearn to make change, but feel helpless against the obstacles that stand in our way. We see you, we hear you and we stand with you. We must join together to make substantial, equitable change – but first, we must make sure we stay resilient in our advocacy. Please listen to our podcast and see toolkit.climate.gov for more information about building resilience, as well as education on various climate-related issues and steps to take moving forward.

Poster with view of city and harbor, with house sinking into the water and a woman on the roof awaiting rescue.

"Cassandra Drowning": 

The Radio Play

"Cassandra Drowning": 

The Podcast

Production Team

Sasha Astrof – actor, podcast writer

Zachery Hovatter – podcast host, radio play director

Ofri Levinson – editor, sound director

Kaela Owitz – actor, podcast writer

Ellie Friedman – sound director, podcast host, editor

Lauren Silva – editor, podcast writer

Image Credits

Banner Image: Pxfuel Free Photos.

Poster design: "Cassandra Drowning" Production Team.