
(Special Session)

National Symposium on Makerspaces and 3D Printing Facilities (NaSyM3D)

September 17, 2021


Makerspaces are increasingly becoming an integral part in academic institutions. Universities, colleges, and even high schools establish these spaces in order to boost collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and innovation. These spaces promote hands-on and experiential learning to users. Graduates, especially those from the Science, Technology and Engineering courses need to be prepared as they enter the work force. They need to be able to quickly adopt recent technological developments, be more creative, and work with a team. Also, effective communication is very important in order to be successful at work. Makerspaces promotes creativity and collaboration among users, which essentially serves as a playground or training ground to future engineers and technologist. Makerspaces allows them to harness their creative and critical thinking skills and be relevant and competitive in today’s job markets. Makerspaces provide the necessary tools for students to create their own design ideas, which contributes to the development of their critical thinking skills as well as provide a rich and satisfying learning experience. This is because in makerspaces students are provided with hands-on and collaborative experience in addressing real-world problems using advanced manufacturing technologies. Makerspaces also promote in developing technopreneurs. Makerspaces also are usually open to the community, and thus promotes richer and stronger ties among stakeholders. Makerspaces are synonymous with Fabrication Laboratories (FabLabs) as both these facilities are used for product development and usually foster collaboration and creativity.

As a research university, BPSU continues to promote the scientific research culture to its faculty and students making its academic and research programs proactive to societal development goals and directions. As a higher education institution (HEI), our university is directed towards the advancement of its major programs that could be recognized for its contribution to the national and regional development. The university’s programs on research and development have brought various opportunities in the advancement of our research capabilities. BPSU has been holding research conferences and exhibits in the past several years. These scientific activities showcase the viability of BPSU’s research outputs to be adopted by the industry.

Looking for more opportunities for collaboration, BPSU’s DR3AM Center now hopes to provide an avenue for makerspaces, fablabs and 3D printing laboratories/facilities to engage and learn from each other’s experiences. Hence, the National Symposium of Makerspaces and 3D Printing Laboratories (NaSyM-3D) will then facilitate discussions on the programs, strategies, best practices and issues/challenges on operating these facilities, and how these challenges can be addressed.

NaSyM-3D hopes to be one of the preeminent annual meeting for makerspaces/fablabs/3d printing laboratories in the country. In one (1) day, faculty, staff, students, government policy makers, school administrators, researchers, hobbyists, and industry leaders will gather to share their experiences and knowledge, as well as inspiration in order to maximize impact on product innovation, student learning, and user experience.

Makerspaces and Fablabs promotes interdisciplinary learning and interactions. The people involved in making also informally creates supportive peer communities that extend beyond the boundaries of a makerspace. BPSU-RDO-DR3AM believes that now is the time to gather experiences and knowledge so that resources are best used to rapidly and broadly infuse makerspaces into the academic community. NaSyM-3D will gather knowledge, experiences and best practices that may be used to form maker communities all over the country. NaSyM-3D will have / cover the following:

- Principles and practices of operating academic makerspaces

- Insights from experts in the operating fablabs and 3d printing laboratories

- Open forum around core topics and new developments.

- Networking / Community building

- Product demonstrations


The half-day symposium will aim to:

1) Provide discussions on the current trends in operating makerspaces / fablabs / 3d printing laboratories

2) Provide updates on new fabrication / prototyping equipment

SYMPOSIUM ABSTRACT (For invited speakers)

The symposium abstract must contain the following parts:

Title: (Boldface; Times New Roman 12)

Name of Presenter: (Provide Middle Initial of the author/s and set in uppercase)

Email Address



Key words – must indicate the Discipline of the Study, Concepts Methods and Process


Times New Roman, 12 font size all throughout

Italics for foreign words and scientific names

Uppercase for heads


Abstract must have 100- 150 words and should be single space


The NaSyM-3D will carry the theme “Maker Facilities as Incubators for the 21st Century Learning Skills” and will cover the following topics:

1. Makerspaces

2. Fabrication Laboratories (FabLabs)

3. 3D Printing Facilities / Laboratories

4. 3D printing technologies

5. 3D printing materials

6. 3D printing programs for COVID-19


For questions and clarifications, please contact:

IFAMAM/NaSyM-3D Secretariat
