Dear Families,                                                                                                                                           

Welcome back! As school counselors, it is our responsibility to help support your child to receive the best possible education. We believe a holistic education includes not only learning how to read, write, and do math, but also social-emotional learning (SEL). This year more than ever, we know that addressing SEL needs is even more of a priority. This means, among other things, developing coping skills for strong emotions, being flexible, managing anxiety, and getting familiar with the transition from home to school.  As a school, we are addressing these skills daily in morning meetings, small groups, and continuously building a strong community throughout the day. Here are some tips to help with possible separation anxiety and the transition to school. 

A large part of our role includes supporting children within these areas when they are experiencing difficulty. We are also here to help students who are facing various family changes. If your family is experiencing circumstances that could affect your child’s learning at school please let us know. In general, your child’s classroom teacher is the first person you should reach out to as they know your child the best. It is important to remember that when school personnel and parents work together, it is a winning combination for children.

Rachel will be working with grades K-5 and Mara with grades 6-8.   


Mara Boden ext. 7070

Rachel Goodman: ext. 6071