Questions? Contact me:
Address: Boyertown Area Senior High, 120 North Monroe Street, Boyertown, PA 19512
Tips for Success
I am here to help you and advocate for you! Please utilize me as a resource when you need help or have questions.
Remember: study hall is a quiet place to get work done, study, and ask for help.
Per the school handbook, cell phones, earbuds, and smartwatches are not permitted to be out during class. Please have them in your backpack before the bell rings for class and until after the bell at the end of class.
Unless you are completely caught up with your assignments, you should not be watching videos or playing games on your computer.
Other helpful tips:
Come to school! It's important to be in attendance so you don't miss information. Plus, we love to see you!
Arrive each day prepared with a charged laptop and your charger in your backpack.
Find a system of organization that works for you. Everyone is different. Do you prefer to track your assignments digitally or in a paper agenda book?
Check your email every day, at minimum once daily, but more is better. Teachers, school counselors, and administrators will communicate important information to you through email. This is also a great tool for you to use to advocate for yourself (asking questions, getting clarification).
Find time each night to study your class materials. This helps to keep the information fresh in your brain and access it easier when you need the information for an assessment. This also gives you time to see if you have questions to ask your teacher that you didn't think of during class.
If you have questions, ask! Chances are another student may have the same question as you. We're all here to help you.