Welcome to the Spofford Pond School Bands!  

Welcome to the Spofford Pond Bands!  Students can begin playing a band instrument in the Fourth Grade, but are also welcome to start as a Fifth or Sixth Grade student.  We have a very active band program and encourage all students to try an instrument next year.  If you would like more information, please check out this website and email Ms. Phipps with any questions you may have.

Ms. Phipps - sphipps@boxfordschools.org 

4th, 5th and 6th Grade students are welcome to start to play an instrument mid-year.  The 4th Grade Band is in need of Percussion students and Clarinets.  Please see Ms. Phipps for more information if you are interested.  We would love to have you join our team.

**Students wishing to play Trombone, French horn, or Euphonium can borrow an instrument from the school.  They would still be responsible for the band fee and the purchase of the Standard of Excellence Book 1 for their instrument.