Job Opportunities

Domestic and International Tech, Science, and Business companies offering DCS-related positions .

Domestic and International Non- Government Organizations

NGOs are nonprofit organizations that operate independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address sociopolitical issues.

Ada Lovelace Institute

"An independent research institute with a mission to ensure that data and AI work for people and society."(Visit Here)

AI For All

"AI4ALL is a US-based nonprofit dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion in AI education, research, development, and policy. As of December 2022, AI4ALL has impacted over 10,000 people in all 50 states and around the world through our programs." (Visit Here)

Algorithm Watch

"AlgorithmWatch is a human rights organization based in Berlin and Zurich. We fight for a world where algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) do not weaken justice, democracy, and sustainability, but strengthen them." (Visit Here

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation —

Driven by the desire to improve living quality of people in developing countries, this NGO is dedicated to providing health, education, and living benefits to help life people out of hunger and extreme poverty. Referencing the digital health sector of this massive NGO, computational methods and ethical solutions are used to improve global health in underprivileged communities. Artificial intelligence, the intervention of digital literacy in highly illiterate places, and the development of architecture in these communities can prove beneficial to the use of medical technology across populations. (Explore here)

AI For Good

AI for Good is driving forward technological solutions that measure and advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. (Explore here)

Center for Critical Race + Digital Studies

"It aims to ensure that the technologies we design and build strengthen democracy, reduce inequality and discrimination, minimize disparate harms, expand opportunity, and provide the means to empower communities of color." (Visit Here)

Khan Academy —

Work either as an intern or in a full-time position to make an accessible, user-friendly learning platform via digital artifacts for people of any intelligence, race, or background. Work in consumer relations and product maintenance to ensure that every population is gaining the necessary access to a higher-class education system. Also, dive into security and protection of users by ensuring proper artifact architectures throughout that are easily understood for digitally illiterate communities. (Visit here)

EveryoneON —

One of the few digital divide nonprofits that addresses internet service itself, EveryoneOn helps connect low-income families with affordable internet plans and devices in their area. Its flagship program, Connect2Compete, partners with national broadband providers to offer reduced internet plans for qualifying families. It also has a number of free digital literacy training programs for adults looking to improve their skills. (Visit here)

Human-I-T —

This NGO aims to provide people with the equipment and internet access they need to thrive in a digital world. In addition to refurbishing and distributing donated equipment, human-I-T also helps people get connected to affordable internet options in their area. Use DCS knowledge of architecture in digital artifacts along with ethical interactions with human agency to try and close the digital divide within underdeveloped communities. (Visit here)

Internet Society Foundation —

Assist in teams involved in receiving funding for projects to expand internet access, connectivity, and resiliency, making the internet accessible to people everywhere. Focus on infrastructure, agency, and accountability of the company for providing what is needed to enrich peoples' lives. (Explore here)

Domestic and International Tech Companies

Apple —

Software and Services Dept. — View the teams existing within this realm by clicking on the hyperlink. This department involves lots of architectural design and development toward user experience while requiring analysis of agency and abstractions for computational models. 

Machine Learning and AI Dept. — Check out the teams within this department using the hyperlink. Again, working with infrastructure of artifacts and architecture, DCS plays a large role in the user experience and function of machine learning. User agency and company accountability are analyzed.

Google —

Engineering and Technology Team — Take part in the formation and customer relations side of Google's product engineering. Work with content moderation, architectural designs of artifacts, and even customer agency, which taps more into Google's service team.

Research - Responsible AI - "We want to ensure that AI, and its development, have a positive impact on everyone, including marginalized communities." 

Design Team — Interdisciplinary specialists come together to create visuals that highlight both the products personalities and the user's accessibility to them. A core principle of Google is "Focus on the user and all else will follow," so learn how that is implemented when trying to create engaging user experiences. Digital literacy can also be intertwined in the accessibility and user understanding of Google's products.

Hugging Face

ML and Ethics positions - We are on a mission to democratize good machine learning, one commit at a time.

Meta — 

Machine Learning Team —  Work on the DCS side of Machine learning, analyzing the ethics behind AI decisions and assisting in developing user agency within products.

Design and User Experience Team — Work similarly in a way to analyze user interaction with products to ensure user experience is positively affected by products.

Sales and Marketing Team — Work within the realm of content moderation, limiting the presence of malicious user profiles or abstractions within user interactions.

AR / VR Team — Assist in the ethics and motives behind AR / VR development, analyzing user agency and company accountability within products.

Open AI —

Teams and Jobs Listings Page

Governance, Risk, and Compliance Team — Prioritize and protect OpenAi's technology, people, and products. This could potentially involve content moderation and considerations of user agency in response to OpenAI products. Work on removing limitations caused by virtual assistance.

Machine Learning Sector — Be involved in the safe and successful deployment of increasingly advanced AI and 

Safety and Security Response Team — Approaches the more ethical side of artificial general intelligence in that you are able to identify places in infrastructure or architecture that decrease user ability. Operations harmful to users are an issue, especially with AI. Work to fix it here, ethically.


A logistics company based on drones deployment with interesting applications related to developing countries.

Teams and Jobs listing page.