
At BTC, we recognize the importance of a small win in our community. Whether a business is making major overhauls to the ways employees commute, or there is one person in the office trying to commute by bus once a week to do their part to better the environment - any effort to make a change is worth noting. If we all work together to accomplish the greater good of bettering the environment, we can make a difference for our community!

If you know an organization or a person worth highlighting in our Commuter Community in Boulder, please reach out to to be featured on our Clean Commute page.

March Blog Post - Teleworking

One of the most environmentally concious ways to commute is by working from home! Our first Commuter Community feature is a video on our organization, BTC. All BTC staff members primarily work from home. Check out some of our tips and tricks to working from home and how to get your office space situated to start your day.

Boulder Chamber of Commerce is the region’s business advocacy and support organization. The Boulder Chamber’s programs help local businesses succeed while sustaining an economy that preserves Boulder’s high quality of life, including its environmental and cultural assets. Together with its member businesses, the Boulder Chamber is building a smarter, more vibrant economy – sustaining Boulder’s position as a global capital of innovation and a thriving center of economic vitality.