GCSE Options

Your guide to choosing your GCSE Subjects

Introduction to GCSE Options

Welcome to our GCSE Options website.  You'll find lots of useful information about the courses we have to offer.

Selecting your options

You'll need to choose your options using our online options selector tool.

You will receive an email from us with a link a few days after this website has gone live.  Your tutor will let you know when this has happened so you don't miss it.

Watch this video as it explains how you need to select your options.



Mr Worn explaining the KS4 journey.

Year 8 Options - Google Chrome - 5 February 2023.mp4

Mr Dolinski explaining how to select your options.

Please note: Some students will see a slightly different option form, depending on your unique specific learning needs.  The link to the options forms will be emailed directly to students.

Most students will:

Course booklet

You can view and download all our prospectus booklets by visiting:


Download our Year 9 Options Booklet.