Class Sessions

Session 1

Date: March 30, 2017

In-class Activities and Assignments:

  • Core messages and course outcomes
  • Literal notetaking
  • CSI: written feedback strategy - CSI Criteria for Success
  • Conceptual Framework for Differentiated Teacher Support: Instructive, Collaborative, Facilitative (ICF)
  • “Seven Keys to Effective Feedback” - Wiggins, G. (September 2012). “Seven Keys to Effective Feedback.” Educational Leadership. Volume 70, Number 1. (Binder, Day 1, Supplemental Section)
  • Introduction to bias
  • Review of ICF (Instructive-Collaborative-Facilitative)
  • Post-observation conversation preview
  • Backward planning to the formative deadline
  • Google folder with resources

Homework due on 5/11/17:

Session 2

Date: May 11, 2017

Activities and Assignments:

In-class Assessment:

  • Literal notetaking #1 - you will write notes on a video in class to submit for feedback. Literal notes sheet
  • 2 CSIs written on a video watched in class

Homework due on 6/1/17:

  • Observe a teacher and write literal notes and two CSIs. Bring a hard copy of your literal notes and CSIs to share with classmates. Submit an electronic copy on Google Classroom.


Session 3

Date: June 1, 2017


  • Communicating concerns directly
  • Conversational/conflict style inventory
  • Non-classroom observations
  • Giving feedback to other staff (not classroom teachers)
  • Managing the work take 2 - systems, calendars, etc.
  • Strategies for reducing bias
  • Additional observation tools
  • Chalk talk reflection about the following questions: What are important observation and feedback skills and tools? What are some important qualities and characteristics of helpful conversations with a teacher about her/his practice? What are the keys to providing high-quality written feedback? How can evaluators accurately and fairly assess teacher performance? What data sources are important to use when assessing a teacher’s performance? What are your big takeaways or learnings from our course?
  • Reflection on readings - Text Rendering Protocol on trapeze article
  • Why should people take this course? Writing exercise
  • Course evaluation

In-class Assessment:

  • CSI Written Feedback (watch a video and write 2 CSIs) - CSI Criteria for Success
  • Literal notetaking assessment #2
  • Literal notetaking quiz (evidence vs. opinion)