Literacy Strategies and Resources

I've broken my process for helping students access rigorous content, make meaning, and share original, well-developed opinions into four steps:

Step 1: Building Knowledge Together

A. Building Excitement

Step 1: Building Excitement and Buy-In

B. Building background knowledge

Step 1: Building Background Knowledge

C. Building Academic Language

Step 1: Building Vocabulary

Step 2. Gathering New Information

A. Making All Texts Accessible for All Students

Step 2: Making All Texts Accessible
Step 2: Evidence Logs

B. Evidence Logs

Step 3. Pulling it all together to create new ideas

A. Organizers, Sentence stems, exemplars, revisions, and writing conferences

Step 3: Building ideas in writing

Step 4. Present and Reflect

A. Authentic Audience

Step 6: Public Presentation

B. Reflection

Step 4: Reflection