Digital Learning Initiatives

This page is an evolving list of digital learning initiatives in which BPSTechnology's Digital Learning Team is involved.

BPS Makers

BPS Makers offers professional learning opportunities around design thinking, low tech maker activities, 3D printing, and microcontrollers.

BPS Youth Voices

BPSTechnology partners with Adobe Foundation​, Project 1324, Timothy Smith Network, SIM Boston, and several industry & local community organizations​​ ​in​ ​igniting​ ​young people’s Creative Confidence—the ability to harness creative skills to solve problems.​ Since 2011 over 120 educators, 4000 students from 42 schools have participated in the BPS Youth Voices Program.

Hacks & Competitions

BPS students have competed in and won various regional and national competitions in computer science and coding. Some of these include:

Computer Science for All

Boston Public Schools is committed to getting more computer science (CS) in schools.

Hour of Code

Hour of Code is a global movement to raise awareness of Computer Science education. Since its launch in 2013, it has grown into one of the largest educational events in the world, reaching tens of millions of students each year.

K-12 Computer Science Pathways

Explore the K-12 computer science pathways currently offered in BPS.

Grades K-5

Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12


Explore K-12 robotics offerings, like beebots, Lego WeDo and EV3, and more.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is here in BPS. Join the conversation in our VR/AR in Edu Workplace group.

Interested in learning more about our initiatives or getting involved? Contact us on Workplace or by email!

BPSTechnology | 2300 Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Roxbury, MA 02119

(P) 617-635-9200 | (W)

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