Contact Us

If you need support with your device or network, we've got you covered.


2300 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

Roxbury, MA 02119

BPSTechnology Help Desk

Do you need help troubleshooting your technology? Contact the BPSTechnology Help Desk at 617.635.9200, Monday through Friday from 7:00AM-5:00PM.

Digital Learning

Do you need support around professional learning or instructional uses of technology? Contact the Digital Learning Team for support and consultations.

Computer Science

Are you interested in coding or computer science in your classroom or school? Contact


Ask us a question in our BPSTechnology Workplace group! We monitor the group regularly, and there are many teachers and administrators who participate in discussions.

BPSTechnology | 2300 Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Roxbury, MA 02119

(P) 617-635-9200 | (W)

All resources on this site are CC-BY-NC-SA by BPSTechnology unless otherwise noted.

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