Mrs. Magallanes

Counseling Corner

As the school counselor for Gladstone and Allen Ave Elementary I provide the social, emotional, and mental health support for students. Amidst the current changes, I know this is a difficult time and wanted to reach out to you if I haven’t already, to let you know that I am still available to support you and your family. I want to ensure that your student continues to have access to support through our school counseling resources. I will be sharing counseling resources that are meant to help students during this strange and potentially scary time of the continued pandemic. Resources will be updated frequently.

On this website, you will find a number of parent and student resources that can be used. I believe that it is now more important than ever that we help our students cope, build on their resiliency skills and provide them with feelings of love and security. Please feel free to reach out to me via email.

I hope that everyone stays safe, healthy, and positive!

Sending virtual hugs and high fives!

Lorena Magallanes, M.S., LMFT, P.P.S.

(Mrs. M)

This may be a difficult time for everyone, if you have an urgent mental health need please call 9-1-1.