
Golden Sierra Leadership class is a dedicated group of individuals working hard to make our school a better place. We take pride in making sure our school is safe, and clean. We strive to serve our whole school equally and give the students a voice. We are committed to unify our student body through integration and involvement in service projects and activities. As Golden Sierra’s leaders we do all we can to ensure that our community is involved with the education of our youth. As the leaders of tomorrow, we serve the school and community with pride and spirit.

Our Leadership program organizes all school events that range from honor roll recognition's to the homecoming float parade and dance. Each class is represented by elected officers that hold the positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition, the Associated Student Body is represented by a School President, Secretary, and Treasurer. We also have elected committee chairs for the positions of Athletics, Student Store, and Publicity.

Leadership students learn how to hold government meetings using Roberts Rules of Order. Through this experience they learn to assess school needs, funds and how majority votes affect the outcome of our decision making process. In addition, our leaders learn how to properly plan and execute all school events. This planning and execution phase includes setting a budget, designing event layouts and activity descriptions, food layout and selection, and all advertising venues such as posters, flyers and media announcements.

All Leadership students are required to complete school and community service. This opportunity allows these leaders to seek out a need, contribute to the need, and reflect on how their service benefited the organization.

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