Session Decks & Recordings

When possible, presentation decks and recordings of Thursday sessions will be posted on Mondays starting June 6 and running through to July 18.


Week Seven:

Communicating Your Research with Dr. Amy Ullapa

The Hourglass Model for Storytelling

Resume Tips for Listing Your Research Experiences

Week Five:

Networking Using Social Tools with Chandra V. Reyna

Networking Using Social Media.pdf
SRC 2022 In-person Networking Session for embed.pdf

Week Four:

In-Person Networking + Prepping for ICUR

Week Three: Designing Your Research Poster

SRC Research Poster Session 6-16-2022_for embed.pdf
2022 SRC Week 2 Responsible Conduct of Research.pdf

Week Two:

Ethical Conduct of Research

Week One:

Opening Session

View the presentation deck


CITI Responsible Conduct Research Module

For those students required to take the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research Module, the online course is now available. Check with your mentor or program director to see if you are required to complete this course.

Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research

ICUR is a two-day virtual conference for all undergraduate researchers working on projects affiliated with an Idaho college, university, or sponsored research. This summer's conference is set for July 20-21, 2022. The ICUR event web site has all the details for preparing, presenting, or attending the conference.

Communicating Your Research



Poster templates (NOTE: links below will direct you to make your own copy of the template)

Optional Videos