Get To Know Your Colleagues

Be part of a coffee chat to meet people, learn about new ideas, gain a fresh perspective, and grow your confidence!

Join us virtually on Tuesdays from 11:30 - noon for an organized session via Zoom. We'll use the same link from our Thursday SRC sessions.

Or feel free to organize your own chat on your schedule.

Every conversation is eligible for the SRC Coffee Chat Challenge with a weekly drawing for a gift card and grand prize winner announced at the Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research. Just log your chats on the Coffee Chat Summary Form

A Few More Details

Two ways to participate:

1) Join the Tuesday chats at 11:30am on Zoom and we'll match you up with someone in a breakout room for 15 minutes. We'll use the same Zoom link from the SRC Thursday sessions. You can find that link in an email from or email us and we'll resend you the link.

2) Setup your own coffee chat by asking someone in your cohort group or lab for a 15 minute conversation.

The Goal

The idea is to chat with someone new each week of SRC. By the end of the summer you could have six or more new people in your research network!

Weekly Drawings

As a little extra incentive, we're giving away a $10 gift card each week to one of the folks who participated in a coffee chat, starting on the June 9 SRC session.

To enter, just complete the brief Coffee Chat Summary Form (will take you 3 minutes) by Thursday at 8am each week to be eligible for the drawing.

We're also award a grand prize or prizes to the folks who have met up with the most people during the Coffee Chat Challenge. The drawing will be held during the ICUR conference.

Conversation Tips

  • Start by introducing yourself (where you're from, what university or college you attend) and ask your coffee partner to do the same.

  • Ask some open-ended questions:

    • What kind of research are you conducting?

    • What got you interested in this research?

    • How does this research help you meet your academic and career goals?

    • Do you think your research impacts people directly or is it more making a contribution to the scientific community?

    • Do you have any tips or advice you could share with me about what you've learned so far?

    • Log your chat on the Coffee Chat Summary Form