Module 1: Metabolic Rates

Recommended completion date: June 17th


Welcome to the Metabolic Rates module. Our focus is to help you consider how you can integrate science, data analysis, and modeling while learning about digital resources and platforms that could possibly enhance your classrooms. Specifically, we will be learning about metabolic rates of various animals and the data that must be collected to analyze this phenomenon. We will also be utilizing Flipgrid and Padlet to share ideas with each other.


Opening Activity

In this short video, you are asked to consider what data might be needed in order to determine how many calories an organism is burning.

After watching the video, post your ideas on the Padlet corresponding to your grade level workshop (linked below) regarding the data we might need.

Share your thoughts on Padlet:

You may want to copy or download these slides for use in your own classroom.

Mini-Lecture 1

This is a short mini-lecture on the data we CAN measure when trying to determine the amount of energy that an organism utilizes.

When done watching the video, consider the following questions:

  • Do you think you could directly measure energy? Why or why not?
  • How would you measure the energy released in animals?
  • How could chemistry tell us the relationship between calories burned and weight lost?

Data Visualization

This is a representation of the relationship of basal metabolic rates to body size for various mammals. Analyze the graph and take note of what you are noticing and wondering about the data displayed.

Here is an optional video to watch if you have not had experience with a log/log scale and would like to learn more about them.

Record your notices and wonders on the Padlet corresponding to your grade level workshop (linked below) .

Share your thoughts on Padlet:

You may want to copy or download these slides for use in your own classroom.

Mini-Lecture 2

Watch this 8 minute video that explores the data and explores some possible questions that the data starts to generate.

Click the button below to access the video, you do not need to make an EdPuzzle account.


Use Data to Investigate Questions about Metabolism

Large Set of data


Make an Evidence-Based Claim About Metabolism

Utilize CODAP and the set of data on the left to investigate answers to the following questions. The set of data is preloaded in the link above. Get through as many as you feel comfortable with. Here is a DATA GUIDE that helps explain some of the terms and symbols in the set of data.

  • What animals need the fewest calories per day? Which animals need the most calories per day? What factors are involved in determining the number of calories needed per day?
  • Are there species that are more efficient or more inefficient than the trends would suggest?
  • What types of animals have the most efficient metabolisms and how do you know?
  • Look up another animal or another kingdom and add it to your table to see how it compares to the rest of the organisms. What do you notice and wonder about the organism that you added?
  • Choose your own interesting questions to explore with the data.

Create a Flipgrid Video

Create a Flipgrid video to share one evidence-based claim regarding metabolism and why you think the data supports your claim.

Share your thoughts on Flipgrid:


Learn from each other and give feedback

Watch the Flipgrid videos from your peers and provide feedback on at least three. Learn more about how to respond to your peers here.

For more details on the expectations of this feedback, see this rubric.


Links to the Section 2 Instructions and To-Dos