Physics of the Earth: Seeing the Unseen

Go to ANNOUNCEMENTS page AND please check your email frequently for timely updates and important messages.  Hard copy of syllabus is available here.  

Welcome to GEOS220:  This is a class for sophomore-level geoscience students, and anyone else interested in learning about geophysics. We identify the major methods of physics that govern processes in the Earth, explore the theory and applications in geophysics, such as hazards, environmental geophysics, exploration geophysics and (earthquake) seismology. GEOS220 is the prequel to 300-level geophysics classes. Emphasis will be on historical developments in geophysics and a qualitative understanding of the physics as well as the state-of-the-art of its application in the earth.

Format of classes

This class will be offered in-person and asynchronously as recorded lectures.  In-person lectures are MW at 12:00 to 1:15 (Mathematics Room 135) and lab meetings are either M or W 1:30 to 2:45 (ERB2104).  Please note that university policy asks students (and faculty) who are sick not to attend class.  I am very understanding about sick absences and will also be posting lectures for asynchronous review.


Class Website:   or 

Prerequisites: MATH147/MATH144, or permission from instructor 

Textbook: (purchase is optional; may be found at Amazon) Looking into the earth, an introduction to geological geophysics

by Alan E. Mussett and M Aftab Khan, 2000, Cambridge University Press.  Note: we will only be focused on the following select chapters: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, 20

Other reading materials: journal articles and relevant readings will be posted on this web site on the MATERIALS tab.


*Lab grading policy: The lab (homework) must be turned in electronically to the TA  (as a pdf document) or as a hard copy one week after it has been introduced in both sections.  Submission should go to the TA.  Tardy assignments will be accepted up to one week late and given a 25% penalty.  Assignments more than one week late will not be accepted except with prior permission for extenuating circumstances.  Students can work in teams, but must do their own work and hand in their own assignment.

** In-class test: This multiple-choice test will be written for a 75-minute period.

***Take-home test: You MUST work independently on take-home tests.  Suspicion of collaboration will be grounds for issuing a report to dean of students.

**** Final exam: Exam will be during normal exam period in Math135 (Monday December 9th 12:00 to 2:00 PM)

Special note about the three exams.... lowest scoring test will be weighted at 10%, mid-scoring test will be 15%, and highest scoring test will be weighted at 20%.

FAQ...How do I get a good grade in this class?

Note that you do NOT have to master all the material posted Musset and Khan chapters.  These are posted for additional information and only some of the figures and themes have been included in the slides.  Unless the information is in the slides you are NOT responsible for the Musset and Khan readings.  You are responsible for understanding interactive exercises and directed journal article readings that are reviewed in class.  All material introduced in the slides and in the labs is fair game for exams.

Undergraduate Geosciences Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

GEOS220 primarily serves BSU Geosciences undergraduate PLOs 1,2,3,4,5

Assessment of PLOs will be accomplished through coursework, which includes discussion, in-class exercises, assignments, and take-home exams.

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity:

In order to create a safe space for learning, I expect all of us (peer mentors, students and myself) to exhibit behavior that reflects Boise State’s Statement of Shared Values ( and is characterized by: Academic Excellence, Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, Trustworthiness

In addition, students in this course are expected to uphold standards outlined in the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct (  Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work. Students are allowed to work together on homework, but must submit their own work.  Students may 'not' collaborate on the take-home exams.


Accommodations for students with disabilities:

Students with disabilities needing accommodations to fully participate in this class should contact the Educational Access Center (EAC). All accommodations must be approved through the EAC prior to being implemented.  To learn more about the accommodation process, visit the EAC’s website at


Inclusivity Statement: 

We understand that students in this class represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. The Department of Geosciences and GEOS220 is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this community we ask all members to:

●      share their unique experiences, values and beliefs

●      be open to the views of others

●      honor the uniqueness of their colleagues

●      appreciate the opportunity that we have to learn from each other in this community

●      value each other’s opinions and communicate in a civil manner

●      keep confidential discussions that the community has of a personal (or professional) nature

●      use this opportunity together to discuss ways in which we can create an inclusive environment in this course and across the campus community