These announcements will also generally be sent to the class as an email
(December 2) - take-home exam is due by noon on December 4
Please don't forget about take-home exam due date. Note that we will have a full week of new lecture materials this week and material will be included in final exam. Lab periods this week are optional, but can used to ask how to complete the plate tectonics lab #10 (assigned before break) and to provide additional 'office hours'. Take this time to come visit and talk about more geophysics opportunities once this class ends.
(November 23) - take-home exam is live
Dear All, Please note that Exam#2 is now live on the class Canvas site. Please also note that it is now due on Wednesday December 4th at 11:59 AM (just prior to class). It is open-book, open-computer, open-note, but not open to 'collaboration' with others. You should be able to start it and return to it multiple times prior to submitting. I gave a couple more days for completing the test, but it needs to be complete and received prior to start of class on Wednesday so that I can promptly grade it. Have a good holiday break. Please let me know if you encounter any technical problems.
(November 18) - housekeeping
Hi All. I want to briefly summarize expectations for the next couple of weeks: This week we have new lecture materials and a new lab assignment. The assignment is worth twice the amount of other assignments so please budget time accordingly. It is due the week 'after' Thanksgiving (Friday December 6. You will also get a take-home mid-term exam this Friday Saturday that you will need to complete using Canvas. It is open-book in all regards, but you must work alone. It will be due the Monday Wednesday following Thanksgiving (December 4). You will also have a final exam on Monday December 9. If you wish to arrange submission of any late homework assignments please coordinate with Casey. Grades have now been updated through Assignment #8 on Canvas.
(November 4) - Extra credit
Update on visiting speaker.... Anna Perttu is a visiting geophysics scholar speaking this Wednesday at 3:00 PM in ERB1100 about pyroclastic density currents - Those who choose to attend (and sign an attendance sheet) will get a 10 point bonus on one of their tests! This translates to a 2% increase in your grade, e.g., 78% C+ becomes 80% B-! If you can not attend the talk you can also get your bonus credit by reading one of Anna's papers (on volcano plumes) and writing up a one-page summary. Due date for this is by Wednesday November 13th. Note that you can only get extra credit once.
(October 30) - Dear Students,
I will be hosting next week's seminar speaker, Anna Perttu (from Massey University, New Zealand). She will be speaking about pyroclastic density currents and her work in geophysics and volcanology. Please consider attending her seminar in ERB1100 next Wednesday at 3:00 PM.
(October 23) - Dear Students,
I hope you enjoyed meeting geophysics professors yesterday. Remember that your graded assignment is to report on a question you asked one of them OR to write a one-page summary of their collective research. For reference, the zoom recording of the October 22 class is at . Please email me (and Casey) the homework document.
Also, importantly, there is no lecture class tomorrow October 24th, but the Casey should be available to during lab time in ERB2104.
(October 16) - Dear Students,
The calendar is updated to reflect the contents of this announcement, but please pay close attention to scheduling below for the next week.
Class on Monday October 21 is required. You will have the opportunity to meet the geophysics faculty (Ellyn, HP, Jake and Lee) and learn about their research. This class will count as one of your homework assignments (worth 5% of your grade). In order to get credit you must submit do one of two things: 1) ask a question during lecture and pay attention to the answer, or 2) write a one-page summary (between 300 and 400 words) briefly describing the material discussed by each of the presenters. If you are absent from class on Monday and want credit you will still need to do option #2 by reviewing faculty websites for Ellyn, HP, Jake, and Lee. Note that option #1 is far easier!
There will be no class on Wednesday October 23 given that we have spent extra time in lab period going over lecture material. Do not show up to MATH135 next Wednesday October 23.
There will be optional help during lab section hours next week both Monday and Wednesday. Casey will be available to help with the GPS Geodesy exercises, which will be due the following week.
(October 7) - Dear Students,
Test results for n=16 students are as follows (for 50 questions with 2 points per question): high score was 90%, mean was 71.75%, median was 72%, mode was 72%, standard deviation was 11.1%. Note there appears to be some confusion about whether computer and phone was permitted during this test. If this was a problem for you please contact me. You will have the option to use this test as 'practice' and the following two tests (one take home and one final exam) to account for 45% of your grade (high test 25% and lower test 20%).
Grades for first assignments and exam #1 are posted on Canvas. Let me know if you have any questions. Let Casey know if there is a problem with homework grading/credit.
(September 30) - Dear Students,
Please remember that you will have an in-class midterm on Wednesday October 2nd starting at noon in MATH135. It will be 50 questions multiple choice. Here are some additional notes:
GEOS220 Examination #1 October 2nd, 2024. Instructions: You may use lecture materials, lab assignments, handout materials, and online resources. You must work independently. Some figures used in questions are at the back of test. Anticipated time is 60 minutes. If you require extra time after 1:15 PM please proceed with TA to ERB2104 to complete the test. It must be turned in to your instructor/TA by 2:00 PM. Please turn in only the front page. You may keep the test.
I hope you enjoyed the guest lectures these past few classes and are ready next week for the new module on geodesy to begin. J
(September 18) - New seismology material and a lab will be presented next week September 23 and 25. An in-class test will be given on October 2. Review for that test, along with new material, will be provide on September 30th. Homework #3 is (now) due on September 30th in class (or prior to class). Enjoy the extra time.
(August 19) - Hi, I'm Jeffrey Johnson (Jeff is preferred), your instructor for GEOS220 (geophysics). My contact is Casey Crawford ( will be your TA. I look forward to meeting you in class today and to begin talking about seismology. Class materials are mostly hosted on Google Sites and information can be accessed at . Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing this page or linked documents.