Hiring Process

Acquiring an Adjunct Teaching Position


Qualifications to teach graduate courses include an Ed.D. or Ph.D. in Educational Technology or related field, and experience teaching online and/or designing online curriculum. Evidence of successful teaching (e.g., course evaluations) is required.

The pay range depends on level of experience. The pay range follows the Adjunct Step Rates with two regular compensation levels for adjunct instructors as established by the Provost.

Submit an Application

If you are interested in teaching for the Department of Educational Technology, you should submit a letter of application and CV to the adjunct coordinator. Within the letter of application, list the EDTECH classes you are qualified to teach along with the specific experiences and/or education supporting why you are qualified to teach each course. Course descriptions are found on the EDTECH website at https://www.boisestate.edu/education-edtech/programs/edtech-course-information/. Also include in your letter of application a list of at least three references. Examples of teaching materials you have created and recent course evaluations may also be submitted.

Interview and Hiring Paperwork

If an opening is available for an adjunct instructor, and your qualifications are a match, you might be asked to for an interview. Typically, the interview is conducted by phone or through web conferencing (e.g., Zoom). References will be contacted after a successful interview.

Hiring is contingent on several factors including a background check, confirmation of degree, references, fit, and department needs. If hired, adjunct instructors will need to complete appropriate paperwork required by the university. A letter of appointment will be prepared to document terms and conditions of employment.

New Adjunct Instructor Orientation

New adjunct instructors are given a live online orientation to go over university systems and processes. This orientation is scheduled with the adjunct coordinator and occurs before you begin teaching.

Adjunct Coordinator

The adjunct coordinator assists all adjunct faculty throughout the hiring and orientation process as well as during the academic semester. Any questions about instruction and instructional materials, Boise State University and Department of Educational Technology policies, and student concerns should be directed to the adjunct coordinator.