Financial Aid

Scholarships for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

BSU Financial Aid

Scholarships and grants are often available to help deaf students pursue higher education. These financial awards can cover tuition, books, and other educational expenses. Some scholarships are specifically designed for students with hearing disabilities. 

It can include scholarships, grants, loans, work-study programs, and other forms of financial assistance. Here's some essential information about financial aid for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing students.

Financial aid for students encompasses a range of financial resources and support programs designed to help make higher education more affordable. 

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) & Financial Aid Programs:

Early Application:

Renewal and FAFSA Updates:

Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid for Graduate Studies:

Deaf-Specific Scholarships:

Deafness as a Disability:

Communication Access:

Disability Documentation:

To access these forms of financial aid and support, deaf individuals and their families need to research the resources and programs available in their specific region or country. Government agencies, disability organizations, and educational institutions can provide information and guidance on available financial aid options and eligibility criteria. 

By being proactive, staying informed, and seeking available resources, deaf students can access financial aid to support their educational goals and successfully navigate the financial aspects of their college experience. 


Vocational Rehabilitation Services 

State-level vocational rehabilitation agencies can provide job training, placement assistance, and support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals seeking employment. 

There is a counselor who works for Deaf clients.