
Educational Access Center

Boise State University facility refers to a physical space or building within a university campus that serves various academic, administrative, research, and recreational purposes. University facilities are essential for providing an environment conducive to learning, research, and the overall college experience. These facilities can vary widely in terms of their functions and features, and here are some common types of university facilities and their descriptions

Study Room

A study room is a dedicated space within a home, library, educational institution, or workplace designed to provide a quiet, focused, and conducive environment for studying, reading, research, or completing academic or professional tasks. Study rooms are typically equipped with various amenities and features to enhance productivity and concentration. 


Games come in various forms and serve as a source of entertainment, challenge, and often social interaction. Here are some descriptions of different types of games. 

 Community Room

Computers have become an indispensable tool for students in their academic and personal lives. They provide access to a world of information, facilitate communication, aid in research and learning, and can help develop valuable skills for the future. Learning how to use a computer effectively is an essential part of modern education.