
The process for earning Credit for Prior Learning is quite different from most other academic experiences. We're happy to outline the process here for students to preview their journey.

Part 1: Learn through Experiences

The best candidates for CPL have a lot of lived experiences in the professional and public realm, which they can draw from as they craft their portfolios. If you're looking into the CPL process, odds are that you've got this level of experience and learning in your history, so congrats! This is actually the hard part--all those years of working and learning can now be re-applied towards potentially earning academic credit.

Part 2: Discuss CPL with your Advisor

Step 3: Take IPS 301: Prior Learning Portfolio Development

Looking like it's a good match from Step 2? Great! Enroll in IPS 301 (usually taught fully online during the first 7-week session of Fall and Spring semesters).

During the course, you'll learn what makes for a strong portfolio of your past learning experiences, and how to frame your areas of expertise to best present these to the faculty members reviewing your portfolio. You'll receive support and extensive feedback on your portfolio from the course instructional team. 

Step 4: Submit your Portfolio

You can submit your Prior Learning Portfolio for review immediately after the IPS 301 course ends, or you have the option to submit it anytime up to one year after finishing the course.

You'll pay a $50 administrative fee for each course you challenge for credit. This is set by the Registrar's Office and is significantly less than the tuition for the course being challenged.

Step 5: Receive Results

After submitting your portoflio, a faculty committee will review your learning and evaluate the challenge. The committee may request an interview with you for further insight and information, or they may request a revision and resubmission; in some cases the portfolio does an exceptional job of demonstrating your learning and the committee can approve your challenge without further action.

Upon approval, the CPL coordinator will submit your Credit for Prior Learning form to the Registrar, and the credits will be entered on your transcript on the 10th day of the next semester you're enrolled as a student, unless you are graduating the same semester CPL is earned.