Credit for Prior Learning

BAS/IPS Program, Boise State University

Not all learning happens in the classroom, and we believe that your experiences through work, volunteering, and life should have the potential to count toward your degree. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)  at Boise State allows you to earn academic credit for the college-level learning you’ve done through your experiences outside of a traditional classroom, saving you time and money as you complete your degree.

The BAS/IPS Program offers credit for prior learning through portfolio assessment in conjunction with our CPL course, IPS 301: Prior Learning Portfolio Development.

Boise State also offers several other ways of earning Credit for Prior Learning. The PACS Center offers various exams and placement services, while individual departments offer challenge exams and other opportunities for CPL.

How do I earn Credit for Prior Learning in BAS/IPS?

Our Credit for Prior Learning process allows you the opportunity to earn credit for what you already know by identifying college-level learning from your past experiences outside of the classroom and applying those experiences toward specific upper-division electives within the BAS/IPS degree. 

You will demonstrate the learning you’ve done through the creation of a prior learning portfolio that will be assessed by faculty for academic credit that replaces actual coursework. 

What counts as prior learning?

Lots of things! Experiences you may draw from for your prior learning portfolio could include: 

How can Prior Learning help me finish my degree faster and more affordably?

In the BAS/IPS program, we have five upper-division electives available for students to challenge with their prior learning. These courses have high-level Learning Objectives, and in your portfolio, you will address those outcomes and make the case that you have already learned the material covered by one or more of these courses through learning you've done outside of a traditional classroom.

Your portfolio will be reviewed by a faculty committee and, if the committee feels your portfolio successfully demonstrates that you've already learned the material in the course or courses, you will be awarded academic credit after paying a small fee for reviewing your portfolio. We'll file the needed paperwork and the credits will be on your transcript the following semester, counting towards the upper-division course requirements for graduation.

This saves you both time and money! The fee for reviewing your portfolio is small in comparison to paying tuition for the course itself. And, with the time you've saved by challenging courses, you can take other courses towards your degree and move toward the finish line faster.

IPS/BAS Courses available to challenge:

Sample scenario: 

Student challenges and earns credit for three courses.

With CPL, student spends:

Without CPL, student spends:

How much credit can I earn?

Students have the opportunity to earn from 3 to 15 credits through our CPL process, depending on their Boise State degree requirements. However, there are regulations and limits on the total number of credits students can earn. 

In most cases, students can earn 9 credits of CPL. 

Each student's situation is different, and you need to work with your advisor closely to determine how many credits you should pursue through CPL. 

How do I apply for Credit for Prior Learning?

We have a supportive and interactive system to make sure students are a good fit for Credit for Prior Learning before they take the course and apply for credit. Follow the link below to learn more and get started!