
Individuals who judge at the Idaho State Debate Tournament can get certified through the IHSAA.  These judges will be given preference when assigning rounds and may have the option of getting compensation.  Each school must provide at least one certified judge. 

You can become a Certified Debate Judge in 5 EASY steps

Step 1: Get the Rules

You will need a copy of the current Idaho Debate Code.  You can access it here (be sure to save it, download it, or print it) You can refer to these rules throughout the certification process.

**Updated Jan 2022

Debate Rules 2022 Update.pdf

Evidence Violation Sheet

This sheet is a good overview of evidence violation rules. 


Step 2: Watch the Certification Clinic Video

This video is specific to judge certification and assumes a base understanding of the debate forms and structures.  Please refer to the Judge Training Resources if you need a specific overview of the debate types.

Step 3: Read about the Duties of a Parliamentarian 

Each school is required to provide a trained Parliamentarian for Congress Debate.  Please download, save, or print this document to reference in case you are asked to preform this duty. 

Parliamentarian Instructions.pdf

Step 4: Take the Test

The IHSAA certification test can be found HERE. You may use any resources in taking the test.  

Step 5: Set up your Tabroom Account and write your Paradigm

When setting up your tabroom account be sure you include your judges paradigm, or judging philosophy.  Judges at state debate MUST have a completed judge paradigm.