Testing (SAT & ACT)
Standardized Testing schedule @ Frank Church
10th & 11th graders will be taking the PSAT at Frank Church on Tuesday, October 26th. (This is a different day than the other traditional high schools, as Frank Church's final exams conflict with the primary testing date.)
11th graders will be taking the SAT at Frank Church on Wednesday, April 13th!
The SAT is no longer a graduation requirement for seniors who are set to graduate during this school year. However, at this time, it is still a graduation requirement for current juniors (class of 2023).
Many college admissions offices have dropped a test score as an entrance requirement (about three-quarters of all schools, including nearly all Idaho colleges). Although some scholarships still require a score, many have changed their criteria as the situation develops. Be sure to check with the individual schools and scholarships to which you might be applying.
If you would like additional opportunities to take the SAT or ACT,
sign up for a Saturday test below!
Deadlines & Registration info
For test dates and registration information please visit https://www.collegeboard.org/
For test dates and registration information please visit https://www.act.org/