Get Involved

We need a new volunteer organizer. If you are interested in helping, please email Coach Escalante at

Meet Volunteers

Meets are ran by the help we get from volunteers. We will be responsible for filling a variety of volunteer positions for every meet.

We will be using to fill in volunteer positions. The link will be posted here once it is created.

Volunteer Job Descriptions


Each lane will have two volunteer timers, two stop watches, and one clipboard with a pencil and order of events sheet.

The swimmer will bring you their timing card before they swim.

At the beginning of the race, please verify that the person in your lane matches the name on the card you received. If not, please change the card to match the person and/or team in your lane so that the times recorded match the person who swam.

At the beginning of each race, the starter will announce the event number, name, and the heat.

The swimmers will step onto the blocks.

The starter will say “Swimmers step up, take your mark” then hit the starting beep. The starter box will also flash at the same time. When you see the flash of the light is when you start your watch. Stop your watch when the swimmer in your lane finishes their race, and record BOTH watch times on their timing card.

A Card Runner volunteer will be by to pick up the cards after every few events.

D Q’s

If a stroke and turn judge has called a DQ in your lane, they may ask you to record it on the swimmer’s card. Please write DQ on the card, and the reason that the judge gave (arms, kick, turn). You can still record the swimmer’s race time on the card so they have it for reference.

Card Runner

After each heat, the card runner picks up the completed timing cards from the timers and delivers them to the recorders table.

Stroke and Turn Judges

There will be a clinic for those who are interested in being a Stroke & Turn Judge.

All rule infractions should be called, and explained to the child whenever possible. We want to be consistent throughout the season so that if a child is swimming incorrectly, they can correct the issue and improve.