

This course instills students with confidence and personal drive to persevere beyond what they thought possible. It develops their ability to work as a team but also to stand up and lead. It pushes them to maintain a high standard in everything they do and to stand out as leaders of their school and their community.

Arataki is a voluntary course designed to develop, among other things, a student’s leadership, teamwork abilities and personal drive.

Lt Tuari Davis-Brooking.

It is my intention that this course be a tool to guide our young men and women into leaders. The motto is "Tu Kaha, Tu Maea, Tu ki Mua." Stand strong, stand up, stand in front.

Arataki is not a military course, nor is it a recruiting tool or a course sanctioned by the NZDF. Arataki simply utilises a military model of self improvement and leadership, based on my experiences as an instructor in the NZDF. It aims to push students to challenge their conceptions of what they thought to be possible. It places them in a heavily team dependent environment in which they are required to lead others, be good team members but most importantly, lead themselves.

Tu Kaha, Tu Maea, Tu Ki Mua

A Challenge Like No Other

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