
Grateful and heartfelt thanks are owed to a few people in the creation of this new history book of Boerne for our BISD third grade students. Bettie Edmonds, who is a living treasure of historical knowledge of Boerne, graciously shared her time, talent and knowledge with the writers of this book. The Boerne Public Library Archives Collection is the source for all images in this book. Thank you to Mrs. Fran Perry who gave us permission to use excerpts from her late husband’s book “Historic Images of Boerne and Kendall County, Texas”. Thank you to Betty Steubing, retired BISD teacher, who created the original “Discovering Historical Boerne” used for well over a decade in our third grade classrooms. Thank you to Brett Evans and Jefferson Morgenthaler and their excellent books on Boerne history. Thank you to Mrs. Carolyn Herff Kennon and Mrs. Juanita Herff Chipman for their charming and sweet interview that was included in the book.

Thank you to BISD teachers Amy Deckard, Alicia Epps, Carrie Fiedler, and Susan Trizinsky who showed their passion for their town and this project by donating many of their summer hours in researching and writing.

Thank you to Social Studies Lead Teacher Tina Little, who understood the importance of this project and the benefit to our students and invested time and energy and department funds into bringing it into fruition.

Thanks and gratitude to The Boerne Education Foundation who uses their talents and funding to support projects that benefit BISD students. It is their funding that enabled us to go forward with this project.

As with many great ideas that turn into a community effort, the results are so much better than any one person could have envisioned or produced. I have learned so much about my town of Boerne, in undertaking this project, and I hope that our third grade students will gain the same interest and excitement in reading this as I did in writing it.

Julie Gossell

BISD Third Grade Teacher -2011