How To Help A Friend 

What can you do if you recognize one of the warning signs of suicide? 


Take the warning signs of suicide seriously.  

Ask the person directly if they are thinking about suicide.  


It is always better to overreact than under react.  

Express your concern, listen, offer support, and understanding.


Tell someone immediately.  

Never promise to keep this a secret.

Get help from a trusted adult such as your school counselor, teacher, coach, or a family member. 

If possible, never leave a suicidal person alone.  

If not possible, get them to promise that they will not hurt themselves until you are able to find help. 

Things to Know and Say

Everyone's Life matters.
People DO Care.

Help is available.

Treatment works.

Don't keep it to yourself.  Tell someone.

Need To Talk?  There are a number of caring Adults who would love to help you 

It is important for you to identify trusted adults with whom you can talk about concerns related to your own personal safety or the safety of your classmates.  In addition to family members, trusted adults could be: 

If you do not have access to someone with whom you feel comfortable talking, consider using the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988) or the Crisis Text Line (741741).

In an emergency, call 911