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The following clubs are available to join for High School Virtual Academy students. For more information contact Mr. Rohrer:

Chess Club

Learning to play chess, tournaments.

Debate Club

Discussing topics in an organized setting.


Provides the opportunity to perform a variety of genres of music in marching, concert, parade, and small group settings. Please see Mr. Evans in the band room for more info.

Engineering Club

This group investigates engineering technologies and competes in engineering contests.

Diversity Club

This group works on fostering inclusivity throughout the school and community.

Aletheia Club

Our club is all about instilling a spirit of truth, sincerity and kindness as members are encouraged to use their talents and abilities to help others. Various activities such as “See You at the Pole,” “Anti-Bullying Display,” “Operation Christmas Child,” Christmas Card distribution to Nursing Home residents, “Chalk Out” (in conjunction with Student Council and possibly Leo Club members) to write/draw positive messages around the school and various other faith-filled activities will take place throughout the year. We welcome you to join our club that will meet the first Friday of every month.

French Club

This club meets on a quarterly basis to help promote and celebrate the French Speaking communities and cultures. We also enjoy 2 in-school events during the year. French Week is officially the 1st week of November. Francophone Day is March 24. When permitted, we venture to Bloomsburg University to participate in French Day with their students and staff.

Book Club

This group provides time to meet and discuss different novels that have been read by the group.

Ski Club

This group provides the opportunity to ski or snowboard on five different occasions during the winter months.

LEO Club

LEO - Leadership, Experience, Opportunity. This group is the student version of the Internationally recognized Lions Club. It provides service, outreach, and fundraises for various community aspects.

Boys’ Volleyball Club

Our club is all about teaching the sport of volleyball to the boys of BMHS. The focus will be on the basics of the game (passing, setting, hitting, serving, etc.)., all of which we put together to build towards scrimmaging towards the end of the year.


Mini-THON is a club that raises money for pediatric cancer. We have different committees that plan many activities to raise money and plan our end of the year THON.

Anime Club

Anime club is an organization that meets to discuss, show, and promote anime in a local community setting and also focuses on broadening Japanese cultural understanding.

Phi Sigma

This group is a language honor society and promotes the continuing study of foreign language and culture.

International Club

This club celebrates all things international. Cultures, foods and celebrations are discussed as well as student travel via share sessions.

Varsity Club

To foster spirit and provide an opportunity for service in the school and community. Any participant must have already earned a varsity letter. Examples of activities include -- helping at sports

Hall of Fame Inductions, Xmas caroling at area nursing homes and Jason Jones Day of Caring.

Student Council

Student Council Representatives are elected by the student body. Representatives plan, organize, and help out with many school events such as Freshman Orientation, Back to School Night, Homecoming/Eagle Pride Week, PowderPuff, March Madness, and we recently began the tradition of an annual Military Appreciation Game.

Chorus/Chorale Chamber Singers/Show Choir

Provides the opportunity to perform a variety of genres of music in two yearly concerts. Sign-ups could be found on Ms. Wapinsky’s Teacher Page.

Drama Club

This club will produce a full scale musical in the Spring Semester.

Art Club

Art activities, contests, field trips

Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl is an interscholastic competition team that competes against other schools in the county in the areas of American and World History, Science, Art & Lit, Geography, and Current Events/Pop Culture

Green Club

School-wide recycling, beautification, road cleanups, elementary programs, field trips

Trap Shooting Club

Trap shooting club is a team that participates in clay target shooting sports. We compete at local, state and national events. It is a safe, fun and competitive sport. All abilities participate


SADD is group of students who work to promote positive choices

All Things Business

This group gives students opportunities to invest money in the stock market through a simulation, and promote future entrepreneurship



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