Zoom & Collaborate

Use Zoom or Collaborate to Meet with Students Online

How to access your BMCC Zoom Account


Zoom Basics

See these Resilient Teaching Resources that cover Zoom Basics

How to schedule a meeting and share the invitation

Learn the basics of how to schedule a meeting and invite others to participate. If using your BMCC Pro Account, start at bmcc-cuny.zoom.us, click Sign In, and then navigate to Meetings tab on left once on Zoom web page. 

Closed Captioning for Zoom

Closed captioning isn't just for accessibility. Many students like to turn it on to read as they watch. Also, students sometimes can't understand what was said and CC helps clarify meaning. Watch this video to enable Zoom CC.

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

BB Collaborate is a web conferencing/webinar platform designed for use in online teaching. It is similar in functionality to Zoom 

Blackboard Collaborate

Collaborate has many tools and features you can use to run your live sessions synchronously. The course rooms tool includes a collaborative whiteboard tool that allows you to interact with peers and your instructor in real time, as well as file (for example, PowerPoint slides) and screen sharing. Watch this video to learn more or go to this Blackboard Help page.

How to record using Collaborate

Follow this link for step-by-step instructions on how to record using Blackboard's Collaborate Ultra or watch this excellent video.

Read the following web page for instructions how to download, add  captions, and deleting recordings.


The best way to contact the Digital Education Center is via email:


For Email, CUNYfirst or BMCC Portal assistance contact the Service Desk: