Sixth Grade Band

Go to our 6th grade band google classroom for assignments and current information: 6th Band Classroom

Sixth Grade Band Schedule

Monday: Woodwinds

Tuesday: Percussion

Wednesday: Full Band

Thursday: Brass

Friday: Full band

Sixth Grade Concert Dates:

December 8, 2020

March 9, 2021

May 3, 2021

At this point in time, all Middle School concerts will be prerecorded and sent to parents.

Concert attire is dress clothes. Dress pants, collared shirts, ties, dress shoes, skirts, blouses, and dresses are all appropriate. Dresses and skirts should be longer than knee length unless leggings are worn underneath. Please keep in mind that all attire needs to follow the school dress code.

We use ClassDojo as a motivator in our classes to foster good rehearsal skills.

One of our favorite features of ClassDojo is the ability to reinforce behaviors through Dojo points. Students will be able to earn points for practicing, attending concerts outside of school, helping others, etc. Students can lose points by forgetting to bring their instrument, chewing gum in class, bothering others, etc. Please note that these points are not tied to grades. Instead, we will be working towards creating good rehearsal habits.

Over the course of the school year, we will keep track of these points and will have different incentives for students to work towards.

Possible Positive Points:

Attended a concert outside of schoolGoing above and beyondGreat questionPencil checkPersistencePractice 20 minutes TeamworkUsing good postureWorking hard

Possible Negative Points:

If -3 points are accumulated in one class period, student will be sent to the officeBothering othersDistraction/DistractedEating Candy/Chewing Gum in classForgot InstrumentLate to RehearsalSkipping rehearsalMisuse of InstrumentPlaying when teacher is teachingTalking when teacher is teaching