Frequently Asked Questions
What is FUNdamentals Volleyball Club?
We are a small, independent club that started in 2017 with the goal of giving kids a place to play at a more competitive level with affordability in mind. We train to be competitive, but we also have a strong focus on developing the whole person, not just the player. We want our youth to learn the value of working together as a team, building self confidence, believing in oneself, pushing beyond what we think we are capable of doing, and treating each other with kindness and respect. We often run a shorter season so that kids can have other experiences and not cause injuries due to overuse.
How many teams does the Club have?
We have 2 teams for the 2024-2025 season; 16U and 18U. We offer three other training programs for kids in grades 5th through12th starting in 2025.
How much are club fees?
Club fees at most clubs cost thousands of dollars and the older your children and better their skills, the cost can be in the tens of thousands. Here at FUNdamentals Volleyball Club we work hard to keep the cost more affordable for families. We do this by having a shorter season than most clubs and by being selective in the tournaments we attend. Unfortunately, costs for everything have increased in the last couple of years. As a result, our fees have increased too, but are still on the low end of the spectrum coming in between $3,000-4,000 per season depending on the team and tournaments selected.
What forms of payment do you take? Do you take venmo?
We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Credit card payments for club fees incur a processing fee that is passed onto the credit card holder. While venmo is free for person to person transfers, venmo is NOT free for businesses. FUNdamentals does not accept venmo.
What programs does FUNdamentals Volleyball offer?
In addition to club volleyball, we offer Summer Camp for youth ages 5-18 or grades K through 12. This camp is held at either Lilley Gulch Rec center, Dakota Ridge HS, or D'Evelyn High School in June for 2-3 days. We offer clinics throughout the year. When available, we offer a Train and Play program for high school players and a Winter Program for middle school players with a solid foundation. In 2023, we had 3 different training sessions. We offer small group training in the summer and private lessons throughout the year. Please contact us for more information.
What expectations for FUNdraising do we have for our players?
Our club players are expected to attend and work different functions to earn money to help support the club. We feel strongly that our children should learn the value of helping others whether or not they receive any compensation. We have one fundraiser that specifically supports the club by keeping club fees competitive, purchasing new equipment for practice, and certifications for our coaches. This fundraiser is always the 3rd Saturday in October.
How can I help support the club?
There are several ways you can help support this club. You can purchase fundraising products that we sell during our online fundraising store or you can simply write a check or use the online payment portal to donate money to the club. We are currently trying to raise money to build our own small facility. Any contribution to support this effort is very much appreciated!
What is the FUNdamentals Volleyball Club Scholarship FUNd?
It is money collected from specific FUNdraisers that is held in an account for youth that can't typically afford to pay club fees. The money is given to our youth players based on need. Want to donate money to the scholarship fund? You can contact us for our mailing address to send a check or you can go to our online payment portal to use your credit card. We thank you so much for the donation!