Area Counseling Services

We have so many great options in our area for counseling services! If you are considering therapy for your child(ren), family, or yourself, here are some of our suggestions!

Gibson Area Hospital &
Health Services

  • Locations in Gibson City and Farmer City.

  • Therapy and tele-health services available

Heritage Behavioral Health Center

  • Locations in Clinton and Decatur

  • Individual, Family, and Group Therapy Services

  • Crisis Intervention Services

The Center
Piatt Co. Mental Health Center

  • Located in Monticello

  • Mental health, substance abuse, and developmental services

The Rock Counseling Group

  • Therapy services for individuals, families, and spouses.

Parenting Books

Are you the parent who learns best through reading? Here are some suggested books that focus on raising awesome humans!

Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist, and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson wrote this book on fostering healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. It includes lots of helpful information about how a child's brain operates, and how to meet your kid at every level with various strategies.

Kids and teenagers can often be hard to communicate with! If you have a child who tunes you out, or one who shuts you out when something is wrong, this is a book for you!

As the world changes and evolves, our kids are living in completely different worlds from what their parents experiences. This book guides parents through the difficult conversations that will help children as they face the social, physical, and emotional challenges ahead.