human & social sciences courses

Introduction to Human Studies

Introduction to Human Studies         

1 term-1 credit                       

Grades 10, 11


Introduction to Human Studies is a foundational course for students interested in becoming a public advocate, social worker, dietician, nutritionist, counselor, or community volunteer. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will have an understanding of human needs, overview of social services, career investigation, mental health, and communication. Artifacts will be created for inclusion in a portfolio, which will continue to build throughout the program of study.

Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development                

1 term-1 credit                          

Grades 11, 12

Lifespan Development builds basic knowledge in human growth and development. Upon completion of the course, proficient students will have knowledge of developmental theory, principles of growth, behavior of children from conception through adolescence, adult development and aging, and death and dying. Artifacts will be created for inclusion in a portfolio, which will continue to build throughout the program of study.

Family Studies

Family Studies                                     

1 term-1 credit                       

Grades 11, 12


Family Studies is an applied knowledge course that examines the diversity and evolving structure of the modern family. Upon completion of the course, proficient students will have knowledge of the demographic, historical, and social changes of interpersonal relationships, as well as parenting, and the effect of stressors on the family. Artifacts will be created for inclusion in a portfolio, which will continue to build throughout the program of study. **Possible dual enrollment.



1 term-1 credit                       

Grades 11, 12


Students will study the development of scientific attitudes and skills, including critical thinking, problem solving, and scientific methodology. Students will also examine the structure and function of the nervous system in human and non-human animals, the processes of sensation and perception, and life span development. Students will study social cognition, influence, and relations. Students will examine social and cultural diversity and diversity among individuals. Students will study memory, including encoding, storage, and retrieval of memory. Students will also study perspectives of abnormal behavior and categories of psychological disorders, including treatment thereof. Students will elaborate on the importance of drawing evidence-based conclusions about psychological phenomena and gain knowledge on a wide array of issues on both individual and global levels. Throughout the course, students will examine connections between content areas within psychology and relate psychological knowledge to everyday life. Students will explore the variety of careers available to those who study psychology.   



1 term-1 credit                       

Grades 11, 12


Students will explore the ways sociologists view society, and also how they study the social world. In addition, students will examine culture, socialization, deviance and the structure and impact of institutions and organizations. Also, students will study selected social problems and how change impacts individuals and societies.    

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning

1 semester  (Can be repeated  up to 2 credits)

Grades 11, 12

Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous CTE and general education courses within a professional work environment. The course allows students to earn high school credit for select models of work-based learning, which allow students to interact with industry professionals in order to extend and deepen classroom work and support the development of postsecondary and career readiness knowledge and skills. 

Students participate in individual work-based learning experiences in professional settings when they meet the hours required for full time course equivalent. These experiences include registered apprenticeships, cooperative education (co-op), and internships.

Students must complete an application and receive a CTE teacher referral for consideration in Work-Based Learning.  See Mrs.  Sara Bell - WBL Coordinator for applications.