foreign language courses

Most students elect to begin their foreign language study in the tenth or eleventh grade. When making their four-year plans, students should remember that they may be required to take a foreign language placement exam during their college orientation week.

French 1

French I 

1 term -1 credit 

Grades 10, 11, 12

In the first semester of this modern language course, focus is on oral communication (both listening comprehension and speaking) with limited formal presentation of structure. Students who are not successful in the first semester should not continue to the second semester. In the second semester of this course, students build on the foundation from the first semester, learning to understand, speak, read, and write French, as well as learn about life in France and other French-speaking countries.

French I Honors 

1 term - 1 credit 

Grades 10, 11, 12

This one-semester class is highly accelerated and is meant for those students who are both motivated and disciplined. The class covers in only 18 weeks the same material that the year-long French I classes cover in 36 weeks. This course meets the state framework requirements to be designated as an honors class and is eligible for the additional percentage point weighting.

French 2

French II 

1 term-1 credit 

Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: French I (Students are encouraged to achieve no lower than an 80 average in French I to ensure success in French II.)

In this modern language course, students continue to learn and master the skills introduced in French I with greater emphasis on grammar, composition, French life, and culture.

French 3-4

French III-IV Honors 

1 term- 1 credit 

Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite: French II 

French students will expand their communication and reading skills. They will learn to express their thoughts more naturally and more effectively. They will increase their awareness of the francophone world and become more familiar with the many contributions that French-Speaking people have made in the world of arts, sciences, and great ideas. This course meets the state framework requirements to be designated as an honors class and is eligible for the additional percentage point weighting.

Spanish 1

Spanish I 

1 term-1 credit 

Grades 10, 11, 12

In the first semester of Spanish I, focus is on oral communication (both listening comprehension and speaking) with limited formal presentation of structure. Students who are not successful in the first semester are discouraged from continuing to the second semester. In the second semester of this modern language course, students build on the foundation from the first semester and are introduced to vocabulary and grammar necessary for understanding, speaking, and writing Spanish. The cultures of Mexico, Central America, and South America are also presented.

Spanish I Honors 

1 term - 1 credit 

Grades 10, 11, 12

This one-semester class is highly accelerated and is meant for those students who are both motivated and disciplined. The class covers in only 18 weeks the same material that the year-long Spanish I classes cover in 36 weeks. This course meets the state framework requirements to be designated as an honors class and is eligible for the additional percentage point weighting.

Spanish 2

Spanish II 

1 term-1 credit 

Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Spanish I (Students are encouraged to achieve no lower than an 80 average in Spanish I to ensure success in Spanish II.) 

Students continue to master and enhance the communication skills introduced in Level 1. With increased emphasis on speaking and writing, Spanish II is a grammar intensive course that will provide greater opportunity for creativity and originality of expression. Customs, history, and geography of Spain and Latin America are reinforced.

Spanish 3-4

Spanish III-IV Honors 

1 term-1 credit

Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite: Spanish II (Students should score 85 or above in Spanish II or have a teacher recommendation to continue to Spanish III/IV. ) By studying specific aspects of daily Hispanic life, students must learn to create with the language, participate in progressively more challenging conversations, and communicate successfully in basic survival situations. This course meets the state framework requirements to be designated an honors class and is eligible for the additional percentage point weighting.

Peer Teaching

Foreign Language Peer Teaching

Foreign Language Peer Teaching is an invitation-only course. Stringent selection criteria are used to determine participant eligibility. Once selected, students must attend training sessions at the beginning of the term. Then, they are assigned to a supervising teacher’s classroom to provide additional academic support to underclassmen and to help motivate students with low self-confidence and to give one-on-one tutoring. No student may earn more than two peer teaching credits per school year; therefore, those students invited to peer teach in multiple curriculum areas may not register for more than two peer teaching classes.