College Resources

College 101

 College Search

Not sure where to start your college search?  These college search engines can help narrow down your college search.  There are over 3500 colleges in the country--and this will help narrow your search.  

College Search Tool, College Board- Big Future College Search

The Princeton Review: College Search

Peterson’s Guide to College Search:  LINK 

College Admissions: 

What does college admissions look for in an applicant?  While there seems to be a lot of emphasis on the standardized tests (SAT/ACT) you should know that colleges look at student applications comprehensively.  This is good for you!  Admissions will look at a combination of:  Rigor of coursework pursued in HS; grades; extracurricular activities (in school and out of school); volunteer activities; employment; letters of recommendation; essays (quality and content--admission reps want to know who  you are) and test scores.

Articles about this topic-: 

College Choice:  LINK

US News:  6 Ways to Stand Out

Princeton Review:  What Looks Good on College Applications


The Small Town and Rural Students college network is dedicated to working with high school students to access organizations to widen the pathways to higher education for students in rural schools.  LINK

Standardized Tests (SAT/ACT

Standardized tests are used as part of the admissions process/evaluation for 4-year colleges.  Community colleges do not require the SAT or ACT.

From the Princeton Review-Many students and parents begin the college prep process by comparing the ACT and SAT tests. The SAT and ACT generally cover the same topics. Both ACT and SAT scores are used for college admissions decisions and awarding merit-based scholarships. Most colleges do not prefer one test over the other. Neither the SAT or the ACT is harder than the other. Different students tend to do better on one test than the other

Princeton Review outlines the differences between the tests and includes links for practice. LINK-Difference between SAT and ACT

SAT-Registration and Dates-  LINK

ACT-Registration and Dates- LINK

College Degrees and College Credits:

What is a credit hour and how many do I need to earn an Associates and/or a  Bachelor's Degree? 

 Article from My Degree Guide

College Fair

Typically there is a college fair field trip in March.  Due to current COVID status it is recommended Junior check out the Virtual College Fairs.

Several dates to choose from: College Fair LINK

College Visitations

Colleges are doing a variety of admissions events to help students learn more about their college.  Options include:

-virtual visitations

-virtual tours

-In-person admissions presentations and tours

-zoom meetings with an admissions counselor

Registration will be required.  Go to the admissions page for the college you are interested in and check out the options.

In the Fall, we will arrange some college admissions field trips!

College Applications:

We will be working in the Fall about the college application process.  If you want to check out these resources or start earlier you can!  BCS teachers do spend some time in September on college essays.

Common App

What is Common App: LINK

List of colleges using Common App:

College essay prompts:

Start your Common application:


Apply SUNY Applications:

Apply MCC:

Apply FLCC: