Outdoor Club

Welcome to the Outdoor Club website!

        At our club, you'll meet a group of outgoing students who are passionate about wilderness survival, local nature, and all things outdoors! Things we'll learn and do at this club include:

Meetings will be held on B-day Wednesdays at 2:45, in Room 209 or outside depending on the activities planned. We don't meet every Wednesday, so please see google classroom for specific meeting dates.

Nature enthusiasts and all those with an adventurous mind are welcome and wanted at this club!

Google Classroom Code: 5ci7pfh

Board Members:

Tess Laurent Timothy Mansfield Elizabeth Schneider

Sponsor: Mr. Klein

Contact us with any questions!

laurent.tess48@bloomfield.org   mansfield.timothy65@bloomfield.org   schneider.elizabeth31@bloomfield.org