European trip for Spring Break

CHA- Cultural Hertiage Alliance   

Mrs. J. Pallante, Tour Counselor  (Sign up: Remind 101 Text 81010  @ptravels) 

Mr. La Torre, chaperone

 When: Spring Break 2024 Italian Serenade

Departure date: March 29, 2024 (if it needs to be changed it will be)

We will have a mandatory parent meeting and several traveler meetings throughout the year leading up to the trip. 


1)  Visit CHA’s website at 

2)  Click Enroll at the top of the page or Enroll Online in the center of the page.

3). Click on the link for Participant Application.

4)  Enter your Group Access Code: 2410S30324

5)  Click Continue. Review the tour information shown before clicking Enroll Now.

6)  Complete the form and follow all instructions on the pages that follow.

7)  Make a credit card payment to cover CHA's $95 Registration Fee (required), or a $495 payment to cover the $95 Registration Fee and $400 deposit (recommended).  I highly recommend making the first payment of $495.00

8)  After submitting the form, an email confirmation will follow. Within 1-2 weeks, CHA will mail a detailed CHA Tour Account Statement along with other introductory materials.

9) All money is due by December 6, 2023

 Price includes: Round trip airfare, hotels, tour bus, breakfast, dinner, guided sightseeing, walking tours, and entrances to historical buildings

*Rooms are comprised of four travelers.  The company reserves the right to place any number of travelers in a room. If you would like a double occupancy there is an extra charge. 

Mrs. Pallante will randomly decide on the room arrangements if you have not expressed specific roommates already.